Thursday Things


So remember that “cold snap” we had a little bit back?  I forgot to tell you guys about our neighbors who put little caps on their cactus.  I assume they are supposed to protect the cactus from cold, but instead it just looks like the cacti are wearing adorable little hats.  Like a cactus family portrait.

Also, I’m getting increasingly jealous of our cats.


Can you imagine just getting to stay home and sleep all day every day?  What a magical and wonderful life she must have.  Oh, and this one too.


Oh, I’m sorry, did I wake you?

You may have noticed that I’m medium obsessed with trying to grow random things on my windowsill (like basil).  I’ve also grown mint, green onions, and most recently celery.  CELERY!


Just some baby leaves at that point, but it’s a start!

My usual method for finding out if things grow is just to take a random food item (most recently, mint, for example), stick in a glass of water on the windowsill, and see what happens!  Then, this week, I came across this article and was surprised to find out that I can grow bok choy, ginger, and even pineapples from my kitchen scraps! Who knew?

Also, I found the only two decent avocados in our whole grocery store and brought them home.  I’m afraid to cut them open because inevitably half of it will be lost to that gross browning reaction.  Unless, of course, this trick actually works, which I plan to find out as soon as I get home today (I’ll let you know next week how it turned out!)


The ladies over at Some Kitchen Stories have released their Februrary desktop background and I just want to lick my monitor all day long staring at that beautiful screen.

Oh, and to help the sweet tooth brought on by staring at a beautiful cupcake all day long, I discovered a recipe for making JUST TWO peanut butter or chocolate chip cookies.  I feel like my life may never be the same…

5 thoughts on “Thursday Things

  1. the first thing i thought after wondering why the cacti were wearing hats was how your neighbors must like you sneaking into their yard and taking photos of their be-hatted vegetation. I bet they REALLY LIKE YOU. 🙂
    i want to be your cats, and eat those frigging cupcakes, and i can’t even look at that recipe for just two cookies, because i would spend my life making just two cookies. repeatedly.
    since we talked about windowsill gardening, i can’t stop thinking about doing a potato or avocado or something else: mostly i miss my garden, and i can’t start it again for a few months. and pineapple?!?! how the…i’m going to try it.

  2. I sometimes feel jealous of the cat but I also go between extreme feelings of love and irritation. She whines all the time when Jeff and I are sleeping so sometimes now we whine at her while SHE’S sleeping. It’s not even because she’s hungry; she has an automatic feeder. She just REALLY wants us to wake up and be with her.

    • Haha! The chunkier of ours does the same thing. Just walks back and forth in the dark screaming until I yell at her. Like “OK, just wanted to wake you up! That’s all!” I totally harass them now when they sleep. I just go up to them and pick them up like “HEY ARE YOU SLEEPING? WAKE UP!” and they get super irritated. But it’s worth it. REVENGE!!!

  3. that is some cute cacti
    i envy my toddler.. not a care in the world.. just running around, eating and sleeping
    those cupcakes look yum
    if you leave the pit in the half cut avocado it won’t brown.

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