thursday things

another sunset
Sometimes “Thursday Things” has too many words and not enough things.  Here is what you have missed in my life lately…

I went to get my s’more blizzard (which was delicious, btw) … then I walked in and saw this and almost had to change my mind…

oreo blizzard


I was like, “A BLIZZARD!? IN A CONE?!”

I want it.  I need it.  But not today.  Today was s’more blizzard day.  Although, now that I’m calm and my head is clear, I realize that I could have gotten my s’more blizzard in a cone…

Oh well, I’ll have to come back for you, blizzard in a cone.

And apparently I’m on an ice cream kick because I paid a bajillion dollars for a little taste of home available at our local grocer…

jenis ice cream sandwich

Worth it.  You can find your own here.

In other news, I made a mug cake…

instagram mug cake

Well, kinda.  Turns out the size of the mug is important (who knew?)

Spoiler alert: Mug Cake recipe incoming.

Double spoiler alert: There will be volume measurements included, so that the above doesn’t happen to you.

Totally ate it anyway.  Even spread this magical goodness on top.

instagram ikea chocolate spread

Yes, that’s chocolate spread with crunchy caramel bits in it.  Yes, it is delicious.  Yes, it is dangerously addictive.  My BFF tried to warn me, telling me to throw it in the trash immediately.  If only I’d listened…

I also got this at Ikea.

ikea pasta

Because everyone needs moose-shaped pasta, right?

Hopefully there is no moose in the pasta.   JK – they specifically stated that all of their meat is USA-sourced (aka horse-free).  They did not say that about their pasta, though (gasp!)

In non-horse related food news, my big dinner win this week was these:

instagram char siu taco

Char siu pork tacos with sriracha and asian slaw.  So good.  I’m excited to have to make it again so that I can post the recipe on the blog.

Don’t miss this month’s free desktop calendar from Some Kitchen Stories.  It looks absolutely delicious.

And I do have to use some words to tell you about this thing.  I’m, like, medium obsessed with it.  Especially this awesome “pantry” page that shows you all their pantry staples, along with recipes to feature them in!  Bottom line – AMAZING.  Check it out.  Seriously.

Oh, and this heart-warming video of little baby ducklings being rescued by a police officer.



4 thoughts on “thursday things

  1. After our fb convo this morning, i’m going to seriously go get a concrete and throw it in a waffle cone just to see how magical it is. And hey: who named DQ the “cone capital of the world?” that seems a little presumptuous. hmmm.
    OMG jeni’s sandwich: tim and i saw those this weekend at our own fancy grocery store and THEY ARE SO EXPENSIVE. like i wanted to get one and i didn’t because i thought “for serious, there better be 10 sandwiches in there.” i probably will go back though. 🙂
    omg ikea food! char siu tacos! PLEASE i can’t wait for those.
    um….incoming mug cake? are you throwing it at me like a missile??? 🙂 I’d be fine with that, for the record.


      But seriously, do it, it’s so good. You’d be surprised. Next time I come to STL I’m going to eat this ‘concrete’ of yours.

      Seriously, Jeni’s, WHY SO EXPENSIVE? But it’s so delicious… There’s no hope for me, I’m already hooked. Your only hope is to not ever taste it.

  2. Hahaha, your DQ story cracked me up! I totally would do something like that…sometimes my thinking is so black and white, and I forget that there are options in between. Um, that chocolate spread looks amazing. I wish IKEA was closer…and that I had an actual reason to go to it. SOOOO excited for that recipe!!! I don’t care that Nate hates pork…more for me!

    • Amy, I’m sorry to report that it IS amazing. If you send me your address I can probably send you a jar for a “housewarming gift”?? lol

      I may or may not have put some in the middle of my toffee chip cookies over the weekend, and it may or may not have been stupid delicious.

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