thursday things


DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE – after a lifetime of eating Jif peanut butter they finally acknowledged my existence 🙂 Of course, I’d love some free peanut butter but nothing will work just as well. For the record – the Cinnamon Jif tastes like Teddy Grahams and Maple tastes like deliciousness.

In case you haven’t heard, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are making their own cooking show.

Some disgruntled Pizza Roll purchasers inspired the most romantic love story ever (involving pizza rolls).

Oreo finally made a flavor that I have no desire to try.

Godzilla isn’t winning a gold medal for soccer anytime soon.

A college in Ohio has the first ever pizza vending machine.

Science has finally done something useful with itself by cracking the code to keep avocados green!

Will someone please tell me where I can find a cucamelon? Seriously. I need this in my life.

This fall, Starbucks will be offering almond milk in your pumpkin spice latte.

In case you need a new Twitter account follow, allow me to recommend 100% Goats, offering 200% goats 300% of the time!

thursday things – oreos, cheerios, and a giveaway

strawberry oreo

I got my hands on some fancy Strawberry Shortcake Oreos and I have to say… they didn’t suck. They have a super artificial sweet scent that reminded me of my childhood. I would have lived inside that strawberry-scented bag but instead I just pulled the Oreos from their delightful-smelling home and devoured them. Dipped in milk they tasted just like Crunchberries (which I took as a good thing). Continue reading

thursday things

shake shack phoenix

Happy Thursday! Here’s what you’ve missed!


I found my beloved Hostess Filled-Cupcake Oreos and, spoiler alert, they taste like regular Oreos. If you haven’t purchased them yet, just save your money. Or, check out S’mores, Red Velvet, or Brownie Batter flavors instead! Continue reading

thursday things

ig sunset

It’s been a while since my lazy good for nothing butt has posted a Thursday Things but I definitely need to get back into it so, alas, here I am! Whether it’s the 108 degree weather, high humidity, or extra hours I’ve been pulling at work it has just been extra hard to get any of this ‘extra curricular’ type stuff done.  Continue reading